I have assembled a GPS module to a breakout board for use with the WSPR transmitters that I have brought from Hans Summers G0UPL (www.hanssummers.com – more info here). Delivery should be any day now :-).
The GPS module, from PV Electronics, doesn’t have a PPS output, but is useful for co-ordinates and keeping the real time clock accurate in the transmitter; critical for WSPR. The WSPR transmitter can derive its maidenhead locator from the GPS module.
Pictures below with notes.

Added the four other components, 2 capacitors, 1 resistor, and a diode. I will add some header pins later for easy removal and reconnecting between the transmitters.
Derek M0XDC
Email: m0xdc@lefars.org.uk
Further info
Hans Summers Ultimate QRSS/WSPR Tx kit (30m/40m/80m versions available). Ordering details + more info here
Micro GPS module + Breakout Board (PV Electronics) datasheet and ordering details here
(advanced users – control the GPS module yourself and use in your own projects . info here)
Update 12th July 2012
I have just been informed that my orders for the Ultimate QRSS transmitters have been shipped. In the meantime I have decided to check to see if the GPS module, now with the header pins added, works.
Pictures below.