LEFARS ran their 43rd Foundation Licence Course with exam at All Saints House, Chigwell for five candidates over the weekend of 25th/26th January 2020. This was the second Foundation course under the new September 2019 Syllabus.
Congratulations to Jon Benison, Tracy Bulmer M7MEW, Marcello Chriscione M7CJC (IT9CJC/K6CJC), Daniel Hadfield and Rakesh Pawaroo M7RJP who passed (all with high marks) their Foundation exam which followed the course on Sunday afternoon.
Running concurrently with the Foundation exam, Simon Donnellan 2E0SII took the Advanced exam.
The Lead Instructor was John Mulye G0VEH, assisted by John Ray G8DZH, John Short G1DJI and Ron White G6LTT. Thanks also to Dave (the tea) Corner G3ZXF and Merlin Fox M0MFX who assisted with the practical assessments. Dave De La Haye M0MBD also provided support. Dave G3ZXF was the lead invigilator.
The next Foundation course will be held over the weekend of 2nd/3rd May. For further details contact David Priest on 07850 120180 or email training@lefars.org.uk