The 3rd to 5th May Bank Holiday weekend saw the club at the Royal Gunpowder Mills VE weekend show. The show was full of re-enactors depicting soldiers from all the countries in Europe that were engaged in World War 2. A good deal of dedication was demonstrated by these re-enactors in the uniforms, weaponry and drills of 70 years ago.
The club put on an exhibition of 1940’s radio and other signalling equipment which was very well received.
We made a number of friends by helping the re-enactors identify and in some cases show them how to get going the bits of radio and telephone equipment they had on show.
We also held Morse appreciation events for the children and this was very popular.
I must mention our new member Gerald 2E0DCW, who spent two days with us mainly running the children’s Morse table. He also took time off to operate GB2RGM.
The club was also very lucky to have the loan of John Crabbe’s B2 S.O.E suitcase clandestine radio. This attracted a lot of attention, being very rare.
Many thanks to all those who turned up to help rig, de-rig and operate throughout the weekend.
Marc G0TOC, John G8DZH, Brian 2E0FHU, Ron G6LTT, Gerald 2E0DCW, Dave G3ZXF, John G1DJI, Alan 2E0VAV,John G3WFM, Ben M0LGN, John M0JGR, David 2E0DDF, George M1GEO, Chris G8OCV and Cliff 2E0RCW.
It turned out to be a warm and sunny, tiring weekend but all enjoyed it.
John G0VEH.
[Photos 1 to 4 above John G0VEH]
Further Photos (from John G8DZH) here and below some examples.