The second of the 2023 field weekends at Lambourne End took place over the weekend of 30th September and 1st October with setting up on Friday 29th. Several members opted to camp overnight for the whole weekend.
Friday 29th September
Soon after 16:00, after loading up at the store with John G0VEH, the field cars, trailers and caravans began to arrive. The Colman Shelter was taken but held in reserve if needed. The Tawney Group used their own masts but the main setting up was to be done on Saturday morning.
Staying overnight on Friday were Ron G6LTT and Karen, Ion M0JLI, Brian M0OAB and Boo M6OAB and Kerry 2E0IJZ

L to R: Karen, with Jack and ron G6LTT on the fortnightly Zoom meeting from the Tawney caravan.
Cell/data coverage is poor at the Lambourne End site but I tried to join the fortnightly Zoom meeting with variable results with my EE connection until 21:30.
Saturday 30th September
I arrived onsite at 09:25. The Icom IC-7300 was set up in the Tawney caravan for 40m using the G4ONP club callsign; 2m station also running for local contacts. John G0VEH was the main operator.

John G0VEH on 40m using club callsign G4ONP
Day visitors included Dave M0TAZ, Chris G8OCV, George M1GEO, Ellis 2E0EWM and John M0JGR.

Ellis 2E0EM has a chat on 2m.

George M1GEO with his Icom IC-705 and homebrew 100W PA

Brian M0OAB has a chat with John 2E0RMM
Food on Saturday evening was courtesy of the local chippie…
I stayed overnight in the caravan.
Sunday 1st October 2023
After a home cooked breakfast I worked a few HF stations before John G0VEH arrived. Selim was in Turkey on holiday and several members worked him at one of the TA club stations. Below George M1GEO was on 24MHz…
John G0VEH worked quite a few stations on 40m. By 2pm we began to pack up.

The M0OAB/M6OAB encampment and antenna farm for 18m

Ion M0JLI’s station

The G4ONP 40m dipole and Tawney caravan.

L to R: Chris G8OCV and Dave M0TAZ.
John G8DZH
Photo Credit: John G8DZH