As LEFARS looks ahead to Field Weekends in 2023, it is worth reporting on a GB6OLR activation last summer at the Secret Nuclear Bunker in Kelvedon Hatch and over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Below a report by Richard G4DDP which explains all.
“LEFARS were invited to partake in the field event held at the Secret Nuclear Bunker Group at Kelvedon Hatch, Essex. The club has taken part at this yearly event in the past and with Covid-19 finally abating, it was an opportunity to get out and play radio again.
The site has plenty of space, has low noise on HF and VHF and is around 100m asl. Camping is permitted and allows 24 hour operating if desired.
Myself G4DDP and John G8DZH with help from David M0VID decided that we would attend and operate with the club’s GB6OLR callsign highlighting the club’s 60th anniversary. We decided to operate on 2m FM and various HF bands from our radio caravan which made operating a pleasure and also a comfortable sleeping and cooking environment.
HF wise we concentrated on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m with 76 stations worked from east to west with best DX being Australia as shown on the picture. I also took the opportunity to test several aerials with both a 40m and 60m end fed half wave tried for future events.
It was a little disappointing that very little support was available from other LEFARS members.!”
LEFARS operators
Richard G4DDP, John G8DZH, Fred G3SVK, Dave M0YOL, Peter G0IAP, Merlin M0MFX
LEFARS visitors and helpers
Ion M0JLI, Brian 2E0FHU, Derek M0XDC, Keith G1HEQ, David M0VID, Brian M0OAB and Boo M6OAB,
Countries worked (GB6OLR)

Richard G4DDP using the Club’s Icom IC-7300 with FT-8.
A few 2m contacts were also made over the weekend using the GB6OLR callsign including quite a few club members,

part of the 2m log…..

…. the 2m station used the club’s Icom IC-7000.

Dave G4YOL under the shade of a tree.

Fred G3SVK is operating the SNBCG station (CW).

(L to R): Dave M0TAZ, Chris G8OCV and George M1GEO.

Dave M0TAZ on the SNBCG station

A generously rated 40m Band Pass filter for the vertical.

Foreground: Orla with Pam and David M0VID relaxing.

Merlin M0MFX

Another views of Merlin’s /P station.

Derek M0XDC also relaxing. In the background, Rob M0VFC gets ready to climb the mast for some maintenance work.

GB6OLR shack.

View of the SNB site used for GB6OLR.
John Ray G8DZH
[Credits: Photo John G8DZH. GB6OLR data and map from Richard G4DDP, LEFARS QSL Manager]